Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Adventures of a 6-week-old Hip

 We cruised right to and through 6 weeks with this new hip. I'm certainly testing my limits but coming out smiling more often than not.

One big test happened at a shopping mall of all places - somewhere I've not been for at least a decade. I was stymied by an escalator! We entered the mall on the ground floor, easily rode the escalator up, did my shopping, then just could not get my leg to move fast enough nor steadily enough to get on that first step going down the escalator. Thus I got the grand tour of the mall as I had to walk the full length to find the stairs to make my descent. Of all things - conquered by an escalator. Harumph!

On the other hand, there were some grand successes over the past week.

I baked again! An extra large cherry berry crisp that combined multiple recipes and some pjv adjustments. It was for my great niece's wedding shower per her request and got rave reviews. It may, in fact, be the best crisp I've ever made. Soooo yummy!


 And we gardened! We had hemmed and hawed about planting anything this year. Our main vegetable garden is going to be demolished by our upcoming remodel - but our tomato patch was sitting forlorn and empty and I just couldn't stand it anymore. The idea of no little tomatoes to grab off the vine for a snack was simply not acceptable. So off we went to get some tomato plants with Kendall willing to do the digging (which I still cannot do), and me willing, able, and ready to plant!

Meanwhile, I am able to continue increasing my walking mileage. The week of May 27th, I walked 20.75 miles! This included Bolder Boulder day walking, another trip to Davidson Mesa for a walk with Dan and Taz, and lots of walks around the neighborhood admiring spring flowers. Taz is a much happier pup these days - and I am a much happier human!