Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Scouting for critters

I had a long run planned for today cuz we're going to be on the road the rest of the week. I left a tad late (8 a.m.-ish) in hopes that four-legged critters would have settled down for the day (mountain lions and bears are rather active right now) and that two-legged critters might be out and about to keep me company on the trail. It worked out quite nicely. Critter sightings included:
- two juvenile coyotes
- a herd of adolescent bulls that decided to all run to the bridge crossing one must take on this particular trail just before I got there and a few minutes before a mom with her two toddlers and big furry white dog ("Bushy") got there. After I crossed the bridge, I turned around and chatted with the young bulls to keep them at bay until the mom and family crossed. (Say "Hi cows" to a bunch of bulls often enough and they'll think you're pretty weird and move back.)
- two people on horseback (they get the right-of-way on the trail, by gum)

Other than that, not much in the way of critters during the three-hour run. By the way: three-hour run, one water bottle. Not enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey you....any email address now that your not at the 'company?'
