Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Keeping Busy

Almost-full October moon over the Continental Divide at dawn

A couple of weeks ago I was feeling a tad I started a landscaping project. That wrapped up just before a dose of wintry weather blew in. And now, as of today, I find myself working three jobs!

The day started with the volunteer job I've had for a little over a year - a three-mornings per week gig that I thoroughly enjoy reading newspapers over the airwaves for the visually impaired. Bonus - this volunteer job I can actually run to & fro and revel in the early dawn hours of quiet Boulder town.

After reading, I trotted home and took on my second job of the day, copy editing some articles. The copy editing actually pays Real Money - just enough to cover the cost of my fiddle lessons. Wahoo!

Now I'm off to my third job of the day - volunteering as a data entry person at the Boulder Obama headquarters.

Not bored no more no more nope nope!

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