Monday, May 18, 2009

Mood enhancers

See that smile? That's me after finally getting to go for a run after many many days of a non-running regimen in hopes that my quad would stop squawking at me.

After much PT and way too many days of being good, I got the green light for a 20 minute max run. I set off at a brisk walk for my volunteer job along bike paths and trails with my running start point firmly in mind (roughly half-way). A few blocks after leaving my house, the dirt path paralleling the bike path I was on beckoned. I sez to myself: "it's dirt, it'll be gentle on the leg" so onto the dirt and into a trot I went. Ahhh.... About a third of the way into the run I approached a pedestrian overpass. As I crested the top and looked down the other side I saw another dirt path. My brain begins conversing: "There's some more dirt; should we run it?" one side asks. "Well, sure why not?!" the other side responds. At that point, I broke out laughing. It's darned difficult to have a pros and cons debate when both parties - and every molecule inbetween - are big time jonesing for a run.

So, yes, I ran on the dirt, and then ran from the half-way point on in to the job. A most excellent start to the day!

(NOTE: if you, dear reader, happen to know my mom, please do not share this cranky leg info with her...she tends to become overly worried about her baby girl no matter how trivial the issue.)

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