Friday, July 04, 2014

4th of July

If I were to have to choose a day when I most miss living in Petoskey, it would be the 4th of July.  I am a sucker for parades, marching bands, open air concerts, festivities at the waterfront - all done with small town enthusiasm.  And the Great Lake. And the beach.  And the million dollar sunset that needs no fireworks to evoke the oohs and ahhhs.  But then there are the fireworks shot off over the bay - both Petoskey's and Harbor Springs'.  Yep, Petoskey - and all of the surrounding towns - does the 4th of July up right.

But if not in Petoskey nestled in the Great Lakes North Woods, but in Boulder nestled up against the Rockies, well, what's a runner gal missing her hometown to do but run the trails and revel in the Colorado blue sky, wildflowers, flatirons, hawks and butterflies.


Of course, being the 4th of July, it must be cherry picking cherry pie time.  You can take the girl out of northern Michigan but you can't take the northern Michigan cherries out of the girl!


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