Thursday, December 17, 2015

Taz The Amazing Cattle Dog!

Four years ago today, a wee pup rescued from the streets of Tulsa, Oklahoma joined our family. We named him Taz, figuring if he was being good we could call him Razzamataz and if he was being bad we could refer to him as Tazmanian Devil. But it's pretty much been Taz - quick just like he his. When he arrived in our home he did not know what a doorway was - or a treat or a toy. His favorite food was bark off a tree (or a nibble of baseboard). Since those days he has fully embraced treats, toys, dog food and people food - and his family which he has wrapped tightly 'round his dewclaw. Just how much do we enjoy that little pup? Here's a glimpse:

Wee Taz...home
So wee, we had to shovel a path to the backyard for him!
Mister Mischief Taz
Taz has learned where the crumbs land!
Taz monitoring baking - & crumbs


No better toy than an old shoe!
...or the foot itself! mmmm tasty!


Taz, the Urban Herding grad!

Taz knows it's his Christmas stocking!



Taz meets Lake Michigan
Taz, the let's go for a run anytime anywhere sprinter!

Taz, the Canine Classic racer!

Post-run relaxation in the leaf pile

Taz and his people buddies


Taz and his Jackson buddy

Taz, the king of the mountain

Taz - Pure Joy!

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