Sunday, February 28, 2016

Low Ebb

I've not been full of a lot of vim and vinegar lately. Alas.
Consequently, my running has been rather sluggish. No pep. No zip. Alack.

However, I do continue to receive many a reminder of the joys of life 
- so no room for moaning and groaning.

For example: A couple of weeks ago, all of my Murphey cousins arrived in town to celebrate the marriage of Bill (son of Jim, the son of Helen, the sister of Paul, my dad and Aunt Helen were best of friends/best of siblings and that joy of kinship rubbed off on us Vaughan/Murphey cousins). Two of the Murphey cousins, Carolyn and Kathleen, stayed with us; the others were scattered around Boulder and Denver but we had many boisterous gatherings during the three days they were all here.  Truly a delight.

Murpheys & Vaughans feasting at the Gondolier
Boy cousins: Jim, Dave, Dan & John

Dan, Yi Lu, pjv, Kathleen & Carolyn - walking Boulder
Girl cousins: Kathleen, Paula & Carolyn (and Mister Taz)

 As for the running side of life. Yes, running has been sluggish, sometimes feeling more like work than play - a rarity for me. That said, this weekend's runs - Saturday with the guys, Sunday with the gals - reminded me that Boulder offers up a glorious venue for getting outside and reveling in life.

Saturday, along the South Boulder Creek Trail

Sunday, along the Coal Creek Trail

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