Sunday, August 27, 2017

Beauty still abounds

Some days, the news of the world can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there is still much beauty to be found - in the most mundane of every day living as well as in the grandeur of the universe.

For example, just while walking across campus to work:
Turtles in varsity pond. How many can you count today?!

Wildflowers near Boulder Creek

A fawn and mama doe looking toward the stadium

Or the astounding sight of these furry visitors moseying past our house while I was outside pulling weeds!

 Of course, the joy of a run with friends never fails to brighten the day.

Then there was the incomparable beauty of August 21st's total solar eclipse which we were so fortunate to be able to witness in the company of my boss of 24 years. We traveled to his post-retirement property in Wyoming to join in on the eclipse festivities with his family- including his daughter who was celebrating her birthday on eclipse day!

The gang gathers to watch the eclipse in progress

Eclipsing through Bob's straw hat

Best show on the planet at that moment
Compilation photo of eclipse in progress from National Geographic

From the spectacular celestial show we came back home to the simple beauty of a columbine blooming out of season. Yes, all around us, miraculous beauty. Take a moment and marvel.

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