Saturday, March 28, 2020

Ups and Downs

My mood today is, well, shall we say, not reflective of my usual upbeat self. The persistent quiet, absence of friendly gatherings, taxes and work bearing down on me, concerns about my brother's isolation, worries about my sister-in-law's health all conspired to consume my mental state this morning.

I have always found solace in running so run I did - a rather uninspired run, I must confess. Taz and I wandered through nearby neighborhoods, at one point trotting along a street that running buddies and I often use for speed work when training for the Bolder Boulder. Sigh.
Bolder Boulder training gang 2016
 We then set off toward Paul's house where I knew Paul was on a Zoom call for the Boulder County Democrats' Assembly. A bit of a smile emerged as we entered Paul's neighborhood and I told Taz to "find Paul's house" at which point he immediately perked up his ears and upped the pace pulling me the rest of the way straight to his boy's home.  We hopped up onto the porch and stood in front of Paul's front window waving and blowing kisses then went on our way again.

The blues soon returned so I headed for St Andrews' memorial garden for a quiet few moments. Finding some litter there did not improve my mood but it did give me something productive to do.

After our contemplative respite, Taz and I continued along a creekside trail which offered more moments of peacefulness and brought us to the Chancellor's property (also known as Taz's yaya loop since that's where Taz can run off-leash and get his yaya's out). I kept Taz on leash, though, to have better control over social-distancing in case we crossed paths with other walkers or runners. No walkers or runners appeared but we spotted a fox! My patronus!
The dark bump in the middle of the photo is a very watchful fox. A quick snapshot and we walked briskly on.

Peaceful moments can vanquish the doldrums!

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