Thursday, January 18, 2007

A Good Day

Good stuff happened today!

  • Feeling a bit worn down, I decided to run easy this morning - the perfect excuse for running with Jester dog. He was one happy fella running around in CU's cross-country property and a very well-behaved dog on the leash when we ran through the snow-packed neighborhood roads. A very fine outing for all.
  • I've got my day-by-day schedule mapped out for Iowa and Minnesota! If you'd like to take a look, the maps can be found at: (for Iowa) and (for Minnesota). It looks like I'll be in Iowa from June 28 through July 2 and in Minnesota from July 2 through July 10. If any of you are familiar with either of those states, I'd love to hear your comments regarding the route! (By the way, thanks to all who recommended various mapping tools. gmap-pedometer seems to be working out quite well.)
  • I ran three miles on the Rec Center treadmill tonight and set the speed at a pace much quicker than anything I've been doing on the roads lately. Kind of fun to get the knees lifting up. Major accomplishment (for this treadmill neophyte): I was actually able to run the last 10 minutes without holding onto the bar thingys (as long as I kept my eyes riveted to the little green button in front of me).
  • And the big BIG news: Brooks called and said they'd be happy to help with this summer's journey and will be sending shoes and clothes! WeeeHawww!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you ran just a bit faster, you could incorporate the Marathon to Marathon in your trip. It starts at Storm Lake, right on your way, and it's in mid-June. So you just need to speed up about two weeks!