Saturday, February 23, 2008

Perambulating tourism

It appears that sight-seeing on foot was something I got very good at during the summer's run. Yesterday I fell right back into the habit, and what a fine habit it is! The day started with a run to my volunteer job, picking up AndyE along the way. As we shifted direction from east to north we were treated to a spectacular moon set over the continental divide as the rising sun cast a pink glow over the snow-capped peaks. It took our breath away. (Oh for a real camera rather than my meager little phone camera.)

After volunteering, I had appointments to keep and errands to run and not quite enough time to actually run the full distance from work to appointment. Since it was a too gorgeous a day to waste, I decided to take a bus toward town then run the rest of the way to my appointment. Taking the bus put me a bit ahead of schedule so I could travel at a very leisurely pace and found myself on a route I had run almost every Saturday for 15 years or so when I would run from my house in south Boulder to my running buddy Patti's house in north Boulder. In those days, I would be caught up with thoughts about work, kids, getting to Patti's on time, things to get done on the weekend, etc., etc., etc. and ran fairly oblivious to my surroundings. Yesterday, however, I was the ultimate tourist traversing the streets. Look at those remodels! What a lovely stained glass! How 'bout that log house! What an interesting flower pot holder!

Yep, a marvelous way to travel! I ought to do some more of it!


Anonymous said...

PJ -

I don't do much tourism where I live, because all of the houses look alike.

However, I do a lot of YARDSALEING during my weekend runs :)

jim p.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog, BTW.