Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Another Bolder Boulder in the logbook

Another Memorial Day in Boulder, another Bolder Boulder!
My times are getting slower. However, as you can see by the picture, my running buddies and running experiences still bring on the smiles.  

Anita (age group winner!), Connie, and me - all smiles after cooling down a bit post-race

Anita, Connie and I have been training for the Bolder Boulder together each of the last few years.  In fact, Connie and I were training buddies back in the early-mid 1980s before kids and careers jumbled up our schedules for a couple of decades.  Retirement does have its benefits!

Now that I've got a 2013 race under my belt, perhaps it's time to devise a bit of a running plan for the year.  So far, all I know for sure is: build more base, run more hills.  Beyond that, under serious consideration are: run the Heart & Sole  Half Marathon in August, and give the Monument Marathon in Scottsbluff, Nebraska a try in September.  Long range, well.... on my bedside table lies a book that Paul gave me for Mother's Day: "A 1,000-Mile Great Lakes Walk - One Woman's Trek Along the Shorelines of All Five Great Lakes."  Now does that sound like some absolutely fabulous running potential or what?!

Perhaps if I start updating this blog more than once every six months, these "considerations" and "potentials" will become actual goals - and perhaps those goals will actually be achieved.  We shall see!

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