Friday, February 28, 2014

Peeking out

What's this?! Tulips beginning to poke up in the garden?! No doubt taking advantage of the 50-60 degree days amidst our snow storms, gale-force winds, and temps in the teens and lower.

Usually by the time the tulips peek out, my base training has done its job and my legs, lungs, and brain are ready to crank it up for whatever monumental running accomplishment I've planned for myself for the year.  Much to my dismay, I seem to be lagging behind this year.  Legs are cranky, lungs are so-so and brain is needling toward the discouraged side of the scale.  The weather certainly hasn't been conducive to hard training - but it's winter so what's new about that, eh?!  Tho' I must say, two long runs through snowdrifts did my hips, back and glutes no favor and they've been quite demonstrative in their reactions to the abuse.  Cranky, cranky, cranky.

So what to do? Nothing too drastic since #1 in the plan is to be sensible in order to achieve #1 on the goal list which is to have a consistent year of running.
  • Stick with one mid-week day of hard running, gradually incrementing the distance.  For the last couple of months, the hard running day has consisted of hills which I do believe offer a very big bang for the buck.
  • Increase weekend mileage - gradually - with a semi-long run on one weekend day and a long run on the other weekend day.  In mid-April, speed work will be incorporated into the semi-long day in preparation for the Bolder Boulder.
  • Put stretching into the daily routine.  Running buddy Connie told me she has been very consistent with her stretching this winter and it's been helping tremendously (and she's running faster and stronger than I am these days so 'tis good inspiration ...also a clear demonstration of what a prolonged period/months of consistent training can do for a person vs. the haphazard stretch I've had since early last summer).  She mentioned this during our hill workout Wednesday and I've been doing two stretching sessions per day since, focusing on hips and back to very good effect.  The crankiness is quieting!
  • Lose weight...just a few pounds but a few pounds on this 5' 2" frame really make a difference with increased pounding (so to speak), compromised speed (such as it is), and general lethargy.
Follow those few simple steps, and hopefully, come April, I'll be ready to jump into Bolder Boulder training with all the flair and panache of a garden full of tulips!

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