Thursday, April 09, 2020

The sights we're seeing

With the Stay-At-Home, social distancing, and protective mask wear rules in place, there is a new look to our usual haunts.

Empty streets - this is Broadway, one of Boulder's main north/south streets, at 8 a.m. rush hour. (Taz and I stood right in the middle of the street to take the picture!):

And on hill repeat Wednesday, we creatures of habit showed up on our hill, all starting at different times, and all masked up (except Taz who was delighted to see his 2-legged running buddies again but so confused because he couldn't go over to say Hi).

Today's run was through son, Paul's, neighborhood - and his Barley-walking route happened to cross paths with me and Taz. We accompanied him back to his house (he on the sidewalk, me in the middle of the road). This time Taz did get to say hi, but I followed the rules and stayed too far away for hugs. Sigh.

Meanwhile, Kendall and I are getting a whole lot of quality time together. Who can resist this masked man?!

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