Tuesday, March 20, 2012

First Day of Spring! 60 and Running!

Guest author Devon VaughanMiller reporting!

Paula is off and running, but not without a few surprises...

Things that went as planned:

- Sister-in-law Kitty stopping by to say hi and wish her a pleasant run.
- A call from her mother wishing her a happy birthday.
- Son Paul coming by to bike with her for the first few miles.

And one big, jaw-dropping surprise:

- Her cousin John arriving in Boulder (for the first time ever!) from Washington, DC!

After a few moments catching up, she was ready to roll! Kitty, John, Kendall, neighbor Audi, and myself all saw Paula and her two bike-mounted companions Paul and brother-in-law Andy depart, a mere 9 minutes behind schedule.




Safe travels, Paula, and Happy 60th!

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