Thursday, May 09, 2024

2024 Part Two: New Hip

 Here she be: the new hip!

It's quite an amazing procedure (which one of my running buddies described as "barbaric"). To get this spanky new hip into my body, first they sedated me (thankfully) then

  • made a ~3-inch incision on the side where the new hip would go (and a smaller incision on the opposite side to anchor the robot that would be assisting with the procedure!);
  • spread apart my quadricep muscles;
  • sawed off the top of my femur;
  • pounded a titanium spike into my femur;
  • attached the new synthetic ball and socket to the titanium spike;
  • sewed me back up!

And, voila! All of 45-60 minutes later, bad hip gone, new hip installed!

I am now at three weeks post-op and it's been a very productive three weeks.

Day-of:  a few hours post-op while in the hospital, I was up out of bed, walking down a hall, and learning to navigate stairs.

I then learned how to get dressed (with a whole lot of assistance).

The next challenge was to get me into our minivan.
(Trick of the day:  put a plastic bag on the seat, scoot your butt in onto the seat, then swivel while sitting on the plastic bag. Those nurses know everything!)


And 10 hours after leaving for the hospital, I'm back home ensconced in the recliner, bundled in blankets and snuggled up with a bottle of Vernors - which every Michigander knows is a cure for everything!

The amazement continues as improvements have been coming way faster than a snail's pace (which is how fast I was running in the final months leading up to the surgery).

Day 1 post-op: I can bend all the way over! (Something I've not been able to do for a Very Long Time.) Score one for the new hip!

Day 2: Showing off my dance moves with Walker, my fancy  new dance partner!


Day 3: Paul visited from Cheyenne and took me for a walk around the block. Prior to surgery, I had measured the block and it works out to be almost exactly 1/4 mile which is exactly what the post-op instructions say I should be walking per day the first two weeks. Interestingly, after our spin around the block I checked my fit tracker and it said I took 1 (as in "one") step during that entire outing. Can you say shuffle?!  Apparently, I'm very good at it!

Day 4 major accomplishment: able to do a slight straight leg lift with the new hip leg!

Day 5: I am feeling really really sorry for Taz who has not had more than a 1/4 mile walk for four days. Running buddies to the rescue! Connie and Anita came today to take the pup for a walk/run and more running buddies have volunteered for future days. Runbuds to the rescue!

Day 7: To have on hand to alleviate boredom, running buddy Randall gave me a jigsaw puzzle, created from a photo taken during my 70th birthday party - which was when Anita gave me a jigsaw puzzle created from a picture she drew to commemorate the occasion. Puzzle done!

Also this day: my first post-op PT appointment. He moved my leg around verrrrryyyyy gently and it felt so so good!

Day 8: My first outdoor unchaperoned walk - just me, Taz, and Walker! Taz was golden - no pulling, no chasing rabbits, no putting on the brakes to sniff - just cruising happily along with his human.

Day 9: Early Saturday mornings, our local public radio station has a Honky Tonk Heroes show which, it turns out, makes for some excellent music to do laps around the house with when one happens to be walker-bound. Weehawww!

Day 10 major accomplishment: can raise my leg while in a sitting position!
(Also, no longer taking any oxycodone. Whew!)

Day 11: In addition to a walk around the block and walking at PT, I walked from the back of the hosue to the front of the house (which I've discovered to be about 0.12 mile) to supervise Kendall's placement of our new bumper sticker on Hedwig.


Day 12: Running buddies show up to take Taz for a walk and Anita has brought an incredible gift - a painting she did of Taz. Spectacular!!!!

 Day 13: My first not-around-the-block walk thanks to Kendall and his chauffeuring talents! Me and Taz, off leash and on dirt! Smiles abound on Taz's favorite YaYa loop!  (And note the cane - way less cumbersome than the walker!)


Day 14 major accomplishment: almost all walking now is with the cane. Soft shoe routine coming soon!

Day 16: Saturday. And what's supposed to happen on Saturdays? A Satboys run! I've been meeting up with these guys for almost 3 decades' worth of Saturdays. Run (or walk) followed by a leisurely laughter-filled breakfast. A marvelous way to start a weekend. This Saturday, AndyE came by the house and drove me out to the trailhead where this weekend's contingent was meeting. They got a chair all set up for me then AndyE, Joe, and Phil headed out for a short out-back, then it was off to breakfast for all of us. What a treat - and a great boredom-buster!

Day 17: Another outing on the YaYa loop with Taz, again thanks to Kendall's chauffering skills to keep the mileage reasonable (.52 miles for this day's walk). Sunshine, blossoms, happy pup - who could ask for more!


Day 18 major accomplishments: I walked up a full flight of stairs to my post-op appointment; the PA said everything was looking great; when I asked about the mileage recommendations going from .5 this week to 1 mile in 2 weeks and could I maybe do .75 for the week inbetween, he said you can do whatever feels comfortable "these are just guidelines" - which elicited the warning from Kendall "you should not have told her that", and I left the office smiling and walked back down that full flight of stairs.

I now find myself at 3 weeks post-op and am allowing myself bucketsful of giddiness with each baby step forward. (Today's baby step: I was able to put a sock on my new-hip leg in less than 3 minutes!) The days have not been all rainbows and lollipops, but there sure is a lot to smile about!

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