Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Ma's day frivolity

 Much to my delight, I got the OK to make the two-hour trip to Cheyenne for Mother's Day as long as I took a get-out-of-the-car break during the ride.

On our north-bound trip, we discovered that there is a Colorado Welcome Center north of Fort Collins (who knew?! we've only been by there a few zillion times). This provided an excellent stopping point to get out for a bit of a walk to stretch my hip.

Paula walking along a trail with mountains in the far background

Then it was on to Cheyenne for the main event: helping Paul and Jen move into their new home (oh! and to give Paul a Mother's Day hug)! My assigned task was to help Jen unpack boxes for the kitchen. It worked out great: I would hold something up and ask Jen "Do you use this often or just every now and then?" And based on the reply, it would go close at hand in the kitchen or into the pantry or out into the hallway, very generously sized and with lots of shelves, storage closet.  The more we spread things around the more both of us gained appreciation for the layout of the house. This is going to be a wonderful home for the Cheyenne VaughanMillers!

Jen, Paul, Yuki, & Barley in front of the fireplace in their new home.
Jen's mom arranged the gnomes along the mantel
and the sign above (from their wedding) reads:
"No admittance except for party business"

The day's activities did test the new hip and I slept most of the way back home from Cheyenne. But back in Boulder we were greeted with another Spring delight: brilliantly blooming irises!

Purple iris in full bloom

'Twas a lovely day indeed!

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