Tuesday, May 28, 2024

BolderBoulder According to Plan!

My Number One Goal for this year's BolderBoulder was to start the race and make it to the 2K mark with my 5-week old new hip.
Mission accomplished!

Runners waiting at the start line
Our WA wave almost to the starting line
(with about 30,000 people having already started in front of us)

Paula and friend Lysa pointing to the 2K of the 2K sign
Lysa (who walked with me then went on) and me -
all smiles at the 2 kilometer goal!

Goal #2: to meet up with Kendall at the 2K mark for a ride to campus where he would drop me off so I could walk to the stadium to meet up with friends, watch the elite races, and observe the Memorial Day ceremonies.  Done! Not only did Kendall meet me at the 2K mark, he was there waiting and ready to take photos. And! He parked within a block of the 2K. And! He had figured out the fastest most unobstructed route to the campus (not easy on race day with 50,000 runners clogging the streets). And! he found a spot about 1/2 mile from the stadium to drop me off (again not an easy feat on this day).

Goal #3: to actually make the walk to the stadium and find a seat in the stands that I could reach with my not-quite-yet-steady hip then sit and enjoy the rest of the festivities. Done! Running buddy Connie and her family had parked themselves in the second row of our traditional stadium seating section and saved seats for me, Lysa & Mort. Definitely easy enough to get to with the new hip. More friends gathered around, the elites had a great race, and the Memorial Day ceremonies were moving as always.

Sky diver flying into the stadium with the American flag
Sky diver flying in with the American flag
(following sky divers with flags from each branch of the armed services)

Goal #4: to make it home with enough pep to enjoy our traditional post-race porch party. Again - Mission Accomplished!  Great food, great conversation, and great friends. An all around great day!

Kitty, Lysa, Mort, Steve, and Kendall sitting on the party porch waving
Porch party with Kitty, Lysa, Mort, Steve, and Kendall
Cheering in honor of the text Paul sent with a photo of having completed the
move into his new house with Jennifer.

[Side note: total mileage on the new hip this day: 4.4 miles!  ....comeback is happening! Woohoo!]

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