Monday, May 05, 2008

Memories and flashbacks

It's been an interesting little spell here of trips down memory lane with flashbacks zipping through.

Just last spring, we drove our motorhome into our driveway for the first time and parked it right underneath those blossoming crab apple boughs. Hedwig looked mighty fine surrounded by pink petals. Last week we took ol' Hedwig in for its annual summerizing. One step inside that motorhome and I'm back in the heartland, waking up to birdsong, stretching out on the bed with ice cloths on my legs, munching down on Great Harvest bread with Justin's nut butter and gathering my energy for another 30 miles.

Running of late is nowhere near what my running was this time last year. However, more and more frequently, I find myself in both the rhythm and state of mind that carried me over all those country roads and trails. And just last week, twice I found myself next to trains - right here in Boulder! In one case, I even had to pause during my run to wait at a train crossing while car after car rumbled by. Those trains were great company during The Run. My little feet would go round-and-round just about in time to the chug of the train...a lovely accompaniment to the run.

Interspersed with my running this spring has been a CU class - and our final project (a group project) was due last week which leads us to Flashback #1 - to my college days - when group project meetings were typically held at night - and, guess what, they still are! I had to bite my tongue to keep from blurting out "but that's almost my bedtime" when they suggested an 8 p.m. meeting. (And after the meeting, when I was headed home, each of my classmates was off to another meeting!) The flashback continued when I arrived back at home and dug back into the project, going to bed after midnight and still getting up at 5:30 a.m. I must say, I'm just not used to those kinds of hours anymore.
Flashback #2 - to my work days. Our group project involved a class presentation and powerpoint. The last few years at work, I did, literally, hundreds of powerpoint presentations. Unlike the almost-all-nighters that I have no desire to become reaccustomed to, I was really hoping that my presentation skills would magically reappear. The first aspect, Dressing For The Presentation, slid on like an old slacks, button down shirt, black shoes (ok, so they didn't slide on so feet really really prefer running shoes and crocs). The second aspect, actually doing the presentation, well - our rehearsals were not particularly encouraging, stumbling through, thinking of things too late, low energy, etc., etc. But stand me up and put me in front of the room. Bingo! The powerpoint queen is back ;-) Smooth sailing and fun to be back up there. The rest of the group came through big time as well...'twas a stellar presentation! Then it was home, off with the dress up clothes, on with the shorts & t, and some serious outside time in blooming Boulder!

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