Sunday, April 22, 2007

Another 30 mile run and 100 mile week in the books

Saturday brought another 30 mile run done in three 2-hour segments much like last Saturday. In fact, the first 4 hours were identical to last Saturday's: 2:00:00 solo ending up at Coal Creek golf course to meet Joe who accompanied me on the second 2-hour segment (out/back on the Coal Creek trail...just a tad further out than last Saturday). I was starting to drag towards the end of this portion so I told Joe (lucky dude) that he had to come up with a long convoluted narrative to distract me with the last half-hour or so. He filled the bill admirably with the tale of his daughter's wedding in Mexico (which he described as a series of disasters and miracles - all ending very happily).

The third 2-hour segment, however, was completely different than last week's. This time, instead of completing the 30-mile run with two hours on asphalt and dirt, I ran toward Denver primarily on concrete and asphalt. Let me tell you, this is a tough way to finish a six hour 30-mile run. Yowch! I am definitely going to have to look into those insoles that Dean K was telling me about for extra cushion. I had two very tired and achey feet by the end of the run. Also, this week my stomach was quite a bit queasier than last week - perhaps due to attempting to subsist entirely on a G-cubed diet (gu, gumdrops, and gatorade). Last week I threw in a couple of mini Clif bars. Unfortunately, this week I threw in a Clif bar which, when I opened it, looked a little odd so I checked the expiration date and discovered I should have eaten it well over a year ago. Ah well, into the trash it went. The result: by 5 hours into the run, I was unable to face another gu or gumdrop and had visions of bakery rolls dancing through my head. Real Food, I say! Give me Real Food! And Real Food was mine, shortly after Kendall picked me up - almost at the right rendezvous place, no less! (We have to work a bit on our synchronicity before the Real Run. ;-) )

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