Friday, April 27, 2007

Running errands

It's getting to be that stage of the project (i.e., preparing for The Run) where a whole lotta loose ends need tying up. And, seeing as how this is an easy week (every 4th week, only 50-60 miles), I figured "running errands" would be a good way to get the day's mileage in.

First, however, Joe and I went for a run on a hilly fartlek loop I've been running for years - a bit of Bolder Boulder prep donchaknow. That put 7 miles in the log.
Then I set off on my errands: errand #1, 3 miles; errand #2, 1 mile; errand #3, 2 miles.
...Now I've got 13 miles under my belt for the day.
......Leaving only 12.5 miles until I meet my 60-mile quota.

And tomorrow I'm meeting the gang at Teller Farms for our first run out there since the snow started to fly back in December; that will give me another 10 miles or so.
And Sunday is the Boulder Distance Carnival; I'm registered for the 15k race.

Since when did it become a challenge to keep my weekly mileage under 60?!

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