Monday, April 30, 2007

Biorhythms? Planets?

There are days when I'm quite certain that the phenomena of biorhythms and planet alignments are part of our reality. This is one of those days.
  • Woke up at 4 a.m. and was unable to go back to sleep. Another night of 6 hours of sleep. Those nights are becoming much too frequent. I think it has a lot to do with a busy many loose ends to tie up, so little time.
  • Left for my run at 7 a.m. (after recalculating the pickup points through Michigan based on the re-mapping of Wisconsin and the change from running over the Mackinac Bridge to running around Mackinac Island). My feet/heels/achilles were very stiff, my knees were sore, my stomach was queasy, my head hurt. Just a guess, but I'm thinking this body rebellion was due to a combination of allergies, fatigue, not enough protein, too much fiber, and heat. In any case, it was a very slow run with a lot of walking.
  • The first part of my run ended at my dermatologist's office. I am a fair-skinned, freckled, black-haired, northern European descendant. The sun wreaks havoc on my skin. Thus I'm in for skin checks every 6 months. At my last check (5 weeks ago) the doctor prescribed a topical chemotherapy cream to get rid of precancerous spots on my face and hands. I went through this treatment about 5 years ago and it was quite unpleasant as it involved two weeks of applying the cream and watching/feeling my skin burn off. The good news at this most recent visit was that the doc said they had good success with applying the cream for only one week vs. two. So apply it I did for a week - and it wasn't so horrible...sort of like a bad sunburn. Today's follow-up appointment wasn't such good news. The treatment didn't take care of everything so I have to go through it again - starting today in order to be done with it (it takes a few weeks to heal) before I start The Run. So, another few weeks of a sore, red, splotchy face and feeling yucky.
  • The second part of my run was the return trip from the dermatologist's office. The creakiness wasn't quite so bad as the first run, but the queasiness and fatigue were still going strong and I was very much looking forward to getting home. As I neared our neighborhood a thunderstorm blew up right over the flatirons (along the west side of town - the side of town I was running in). Now that put some fire under my feet!
Upon reaching home, my dog came bounding up, smiling and holding his frisbee. Nothing like playing frisbee with the pooch to brighten the day. And it's spring cleanup season (the city comes around and picks up branches, etc. that you leave by the curb) so I hauled a bunch of branches to the curb. Nothing like a bit of manual labor to cleanse the soul. Once inside the house, I laid on the floor and did a half-hour of static stretches with my legs up on a stool in various positions. I really should make that a mandatory daily exercise; it's astounding how well it loosens the body from the spine on down to the feet. Then I fixed a huge tuna fish sandwich (satisfying the stomach) and a cafe latte (satisfying the headache). As I ate, I soaked my feet in ice water for a thoroughly refreshing experience. And as I ate and soaked I read the paper and saw that Mason Crosby (one of my favorite CU players, a kicker) got drafted by the Green Bay Packers (my second most favorite NFL team). The planets appear to be synching back up...

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