Friday, April 20, 2007

The unpredicatable pep meter

Wednesday I was dragging. In fact, as I was in the last couple of miles of my morning run I slowed to a walk for a few minutes. It was just then that coach Mark surprised me as he came up on my shoulder. He was so surprised to see me walking he stopped his run to chat a bit to make sure I was doing ok. I think a lot of my tiredness on that run had to do with not enough eating the day before and not enough sleeping during the week. So, when I got home, I made sure I followed a solid stretching, icing, and eating regimen. Wednesday late afternoon, I went out to join Joe in his tempo run. This week was much like last week as far as the Joe Tempo Run goes: run to meet Joe, run Joe's warm up with him, get to where the tempo starts, and watch Joe take off into the sunset. It gets me to run a tad faster than I would normally, but I'm not exactly running speedily. After the run, I was once again a Very Good Girl with the stretching, icing , and eating routine.

This Thursday also went much like last Thursday. Leave the house early to meet the Boulder Road Runners for their Thursday morning workout. Last week it was 2x10 minute tempo; this week it was 3x6 minute tempo - and both weeks I stayed right with my running buddy Patti with no problem - much to my surprise. Thursday afternoon's run was also on the brisk side and I was not the boat anchor on this morning's run with AndyE and Joe. It would be good to analyze where the peppiness comes from - I'm going to need a whole lot of it this summer! One thing is for sure: icing+stretching+eating is a good thing. Sleeping should also be on that list!

Tomorrow: another 30 mile run. The first ~22 miles will be like last week: a couple hours on my own swinging east, north, east and south to meet up with Joe in a neighboring town, then Joe will accompany me for a couple of hours out/back on a trail. The next/last bit is yet to be determined. I like variety and am hoping I can figure out a different route back home or to a rendezvous point with Kendall. In any case, it'll be fun to get another 30-miler under my belt.

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