Friday, April 06, 2007

The ice man cometh

...or, more accurately, the ice woman...
This morning's run consisted of 18 miles in a sleet storm. By the end, I was quite the fashion plate with head-to-toe ice encrusted garments. Sweet.
Fortunately, for the middle 90 minutes, I had Joe and AndyE for company. Nothing passes time quicker than a chorus of complainers. Actually, when we were running with the wind - and if we were not in the process of attempting to cross a wooden bridge (solid ice, lots of sliding hither and thither) - it was pretty nice running. It was good to have the gang of three back together again after various absences. We even made a Bolder Boulder pact: try to beat Joe's age - and nothing quicker. Neither Joe nor I are in race shape and Joe's age would be a decent time for AndyE. Everybody is allowed to kick it in at the end if they're so inclined, but everyone is supposed to stay on pace for the first 3 miles. We may have to rig up bungee chords or something. Whatever, the Bolder Boulder is a 10k circus through town and thoroughly enjoyable if you go into it with a smile. We may even be out of the sleet and snow by then!

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