Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Really stupid tradition

The day after last year's Boulder Backroads Marathon I fell off my bike (I was deeply engrossed in watching an extraordinarily good pick up basketball game and rode off the bike path on my way home from work). That bit of stupidity resulted in a broken arm. This year, I waited an extra day to fall off my bike....

...no broken bones (I don't think), but one shattered picture frame (it was a gift with a picture from my retirement party - sorry Dennis!), a banged up hip (that's what I landed on), a screwed up hand (that was gripping the picture when I fell), and a whacked head (the back of my head, inside a helmet thankfully, hit the curb). So, after coming off the marathon in mighty fine shape, I'm not feeling too tip top at the moment. Stupid Stupid Stupid.

Looking at the bright (but still really stupid) side of things, I fell because, as I was dismounting, my shorts got caught on the bike seat. They got caught on the bike seat cuz they're so darned baggy now since I've been losing some very much unwanted pounds.

Time to go rest my head and get my hips off this hard desk chair....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so happy you are running to Michigan rather than riding your bike!