Tuesday, October 24, 2006


This is supposed to be a cut-back week (50-60 miles vs. the 81, 81, 83 of the last 3 weeks). Cut-back weeks are sort of like pre-marathon tapers: cut down on miles, rest, sleep, eat. I've never been good at tapers. I must admit my legs are delighted at the lower miles; they're whupped. And with fewer miles, I have more time for stretching - a good thing. I also have more time for other, shall we say "cross-training" activities. Yesterday and today that cross-training consisted of finishing the conversion of my eldest son's bedroom into our study (aka PJ's Run workroom):
The two-day wrap up meant I: finished cleaning out my younger son's room moving his furniture around to make room for older son's bed; hauled all the 'temporary' piles of my old office stuff out of older son's room so I could get to his stuff; moved older son's bed to younger son's room, boxed up all of older son's books and detritus; hauled boxes; rearranged remaining furniture in older son's room; brought my stuff back in; dusted and vaccuumed out the wazoo throughout the process ...and...
  • set the bookshelf up with maps, atlas, trail info, GPS unit etc. on the top shelf; sponsor and nutrition stuff on the second shelf.
  • put a map of the US up on the wall.
  • picked the spot for my satellite photo of the Great Lakes.
  • have the designated wall of Mackinac Island calendars (I have several years' worth...love those pics; love Mackinac Island).
  • picked the spot for the painting my good friend Deb gave me of a runner with the Shakespeare quote "Bid me run, and I will strive with things impossible." (This will go directly over the US map.)
  • hung the ceramic plaque boss/co-worker/friend Linda gave me that says "play in the warmth of the sun; dance in the light of the moon; dream of the glow of the stars."
    ...and that's just what I'm doing!
Psyched and ready to roll in Boulder, Colorado!

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