Thursday, October 26, 2006

Winter run

I mentioned yesterday that I'd be running today regardless of how high the snow came over my tootsies. Well, there was plenty of snow - and plenty of ice water. It snowed during the night, then was raining when I awoke at 5 a.m., and was snow mixed with rain when I started my run at 6 a.m., then quickly turned to heavy snow while I was running. I still managed 2 hrs 19 minutes (thanks in large part to running buddy AndyE who gallantly joined me for an hour of this wintry fun). I doubt I'll be running in weather like this during my summer run to Michigan - but it was great training for hanging tough despite what the weather gods throw at you.

Next up (like in the next few minutes): I'm off to the train station to start my weekend adventure with my sons at Knox College. Shall be checking in again next week.

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