Thursday, November 30, 2006

Slip Slidin' Along

Today's temperature was all of 4 degrees when I first awoke - so, luxuriating in the life of the newly retired, I snuggled deeper into the bed covers and buried my nose in my book (The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende - definitely best read in long stretches rather the pick up and put down spurts which is my more usual reading practice). Around noon I ventured out for my run and found ice and snow-packed streets - rather arduous running conditions despite the blue sky, sunshine and now 20 degrees of balminess.

My legs were still tired from last night's step running at the Events Center (3.5 times around up & down the steps prior to the start of the basketball game) and I simply do not care for dancing across the ice as I run. I tried plowed streets that were now mushy snow with an undercoating of ice, plowed bike paths that were now packed ice and snow, and unplowed streets that were mostly just mounds and gullies of ice. Those streets that did have a clear track had to be shared with cars (funny how it's the car that expects to get the right of way). I put up with about 45 minutes of this and headed home and called it a day. Then I did the math.

Between now and midnight Sunday I need to run 47 miles to get my 90 for the week. That works out to an average of 15.67 miles per day over the next 3 days. The forecast indicates that conditions won't be much different tomorrow than they were today and more snow and colder temperatures are forecast for Saturday. But! My resolve is rebounding. I figure 3 runs tomorrow, a long run Saturday morning (18ish) and a shorter one Saturday afternoon before the next CU women's basketball game and whatever I can get/need to get on Sunday squeezed around a race I'm working in the morning. Oh boy oh boy oh boy!

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