Thursday, March 15, 2007

180-mile week - 7/12ths done

This morning went something like this:
  • 5:10 a.m., woke up, said "how can I do this," got a drink of water, went back to bed.
  • 5:30 a.m., pulled off the covers and said "let's get this done."
  • 6:25 a.m., went out the door to do a bit of a warmup before meeting up with the Boulder Road Runners.
  • 30 minutes into my run I realized I'd have to really hustle to get to the BRR by 7; picked up the pace and said "Where'd this come from?!"
  • 46 minutes into my run, did not get to the BRR in time; kept hustling in the direction I figured they went in.
  • 75 minutes into my run, I spotted Patti and ran back in with her - pace getting faster along with the conversation.
  • 1 hour 36 into my run, left Patti, slowed it down a bit, and started devising a route that would finish up with 15 miles for the morning.
  • 2 hours into the run, energy flagging, I ate 3 bites of a cliff bar, followed by 2 gum drops with a gatorade chaser - it must be a miracle combination cuz energy levels rebounded in force.
  • 2.5 hours into the run, I started devising longer routes vs. short cuts. Maybe it was the cool misty almost snowy morning (along with the cliffbargumdropgatorade elixir) that was working its magic.
  • 3 hours and 25 minutes into the run, I decided to rein myself in and headed for home.
  • 3 hours 37 minutes, 17 miles, and feeling like, yes, this is doable!
Week-to-date runs: 7 done, 5 to go
Week-to-date miles: 107 done, 73 to go

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