Friday, May 25, 2007

Flurries still flying

Today's whirlwind:
  • great run in the morning on one of my favorite loops with two of my favorite running buddies (Joe and AndyE): up South Boulder Creek trail and down Bluestem - spring flowers galore, blue sky, vivid mountains, and a whole bunch of cows to meander our way past.
  • a second run in the afternoon to get postcard stamps....there should postcards from all across the heartland arriving in mailboxes this summer!
  • got our bedroom closet cleaned out. That was not on the list, but finding one particular piece of running equipment was on the list and it was being very elusive. Found it! Along with binoculars, a belt, and a beret that had all gone missing over the past, oh, decade...
  • located our noodle (a tubular thing people play with in swimming pools) - all cobweb covered on our back porch, hosed it off, and will cut it down and use it as a foam roller to keep my IT band and back in check this summer.
  • Got all the cold weather running gear washed and stacked and ready to be packed.
  • wrote a generic press release to have available whenever anyone asks for one (so far, just one person in Wisconsin has asked - but now I'll have it!)
Kendall was busy as well as he:
  • got our permanent license plates for the motorhome (somethingorother "OWL" - I like that owl bit),
  • bought reams of printer paper so I can print out copies of the daily maps (one for the motorhome, one for me on the run (one page at a time), and one for my mom so she can keep track of me as she fidgets away in Petoskey
  • and, perhaps most importantly, he found where the fuel goes into our motorhome - neither one of us could spot it and he actually had to resort to the manual. He even offered me a dollar if I could find it - but no luck for the buck.
I'd say it's time to relax a bit. I think I'll spend the evening (or maybe five minutes of the evening) counting the money I've been collecting for the trip. All the change I've found while running has been going into a can along with birthday money, money from odd jobs, and coins that charities sent my folks and that mom then sent to me. It's time to count it all up! Maybe I'll be able to afford my coffee habit as I cross the country!

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