Sunday, May 27, 2007

Wrapping and Wandering

It's been an odd few days - rather like closing up shop: goodbye meals with friends, the last run with long-time running buddy Patti, the last satboys run, the last day working at the school, use up all the food, don't buy what you're not going to use right away... I surely do hope it's not goodbye but, rather, see ya' in a few!

In any case, I was in a wandering mood for this morning's run - and wandered my way up Skunk Creek on the west side of town. What a glorious day on the trails! The air was filled with a chorus of bird songs, flowers were blooming in a myriad of colors, and butterflies of all sizes and colors were flitting about. A most excellent "last" run on Boulder's trails.

Next up: the Bolder Boulder tomorrow, final preparations on Tuesday and Wednesday, leave for Galesburg and Devon's graduation on Thursday, return on Monday, finish packing on Tuesday, then RUN!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Good Luck PJ - I will be following your run as you blog- one heck of a retirement celebration.
Dead Mary in MA