Saturday, May 19, 2007

One more step towards The Run

Today was my last long run before The Big Run...22 miles, excruciatingly slow. Not a spare drop of energy to be found. I think it mostly had to do with lack of sleep...staying up late to get things ready, getting up early to get my runs in, waking up during the night due to a busy brain or because of noisy neighbors (we have a rental house next door and what with CU's semester finishing up last week, there's a lot of partying going on). But! Now is the time to refill those energy reservoirs, work out all the aches and pains, top off the nutrient tanks, dot the i's and cross the t's, and get ready for some runnin'!

And I do believe progress is being made in that regard. I actually had quite a good run yesterday, which tells me the taper isn't totally destroying me. Joe and I went out to a .7 mile loop that we use for tempo running, intervals, and/or pace running. Yesterday was a pace run, practicing our planned Bolder Boulder pace. We rather blew it as every .7 was too quick. But we both felt pretty good while on the loop (actually talking most of the time) and afterward. Progress is also being made in the non-running arena: bikes are in the shop getting new tires, tuned up, and accessorized; we got our RV-specific supplies today (like that special toilet paper you're supposed to use); support and running rendezvous plans with various folks across the country are being firmed up; the list of household stuff that needs to be taken care of before we leave for the summer is getting shorter; and we know just what supplies we need to shop for tomorrow and where to shop for them. There's actually a chance everything will have come together before we leave for Devon's graduation! I hope so, since there is but one itsy bitsy day between the time we get home from Dev's graduation and the day I start running!

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