Those of you who have worked with me when I was a project manager and/or those of you who are project managers probably have a darned good idea of the size and volume of lists I've got going right now. And, with a mere three weeks and one day left until The Run starts, I'm zipping through these lists at full speed. Yesterday I checked off
- making a post-run/pre-return-to-school dental appointment for Paul (younger son who is part of our support crew)
- ordering prescriptions
- writing to about the run
- follow-up email to the Missouri River Runners about when I plan to arrive in Sioux City
- follow-up email to Running Times about the run
- writing to Minnesota contacts about schedule and route details
- writing to a Michigan friend about publicity possibilities
- getting info for an emergency medical kit
- completing the day-by-day route guide for Minnesota (now only Wisconsin and Michigan are left to do)
And today I just ordered what looks like a doozy of a hat from Sun Precautions - great sun protection
and well-ventilated. Nifty, eh?!
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