Monday, February 20, 2012

The Day-After Test

I firmly believe that one of the best methods of evaluating one's fitness is not just by the results of a race or hard effort - but by how well one feels running the day after a race or hard effort. Thus, this morning's run, after yesterday's 28-miler was of great interest to me. The test was a particularly tough one because, during yesterday's run, Kendall got a call asking if his aunt, who was flying in late last night, could stay with us. So!
  • Yesterday's test: 28-mile run, a flurry of house cleaning, and up until midnight.
  • Today's test: out the door at 6 a.m. for the 4.5-mile run to my volunteer job, work for an hour, and run home.

Outcome: Weehaww!!! Passed with flying colors!!! 60k four weeks from tomorrow may just happen!!!

Speaking of Kendall's aunt. She is delightful company. Many a tale to tell and a great sense of humor. (And, besides that, she and Taz became fast friends within moments of meeting each other.) She is also the author of Doc Susie, a fascinating read; pick it up if you haven't already had the pleasure.

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