Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Thoughts

As I chopped and whisked and stirred my way around the kitchen prepping dinner for my favorite valentine, my mind danced through time as love tunes floated out from the stereo. I have been very lucky, so many great friends, so much love throughout my life. Family, school mates from grade school to grad school, work mates, running mates and my life mate. I would not be who I am or able to do what I've done or am doing without all of these people in my life. Extraordinarily lucky.

Photos from top to bottom:
1) My sons, the lights of my life, Christmas 2011 (Paul on left, Dev on right of photo);
2) Vaughan family back in Petoskey after PJ's 1973 college graduation (Paula, mom, dad & brother);
3) Paula and high school buddies Dave, Carl & Pam before high school Sadie Hawkins dance;
4) Paula and high school buddies Connie & Carl at the beginning of the last mile of Paula's 1400 mile run to Petoskey, August 1, 2007;
5) Paula and her work group (and husband Kendall far left) on retirement day July 28, 2006
6) Paula and the running gang and families at Mary's 50th birthday celebration, 2010
7) Paula and running buddies AndyE (left) and Joe (right) on a wintry run, 2006
8) Paula and ace Boulder-to-Petoskey support crew Lysa (left) and Deb (right) at the post Boulder-to-Petoskey run celebration August, 2007
9) Kendall's grand family (photo taken at Steve's 60th birthday celebration gathering, summer 2009)
10) Kendall, my love. June 2010 along Petoskey's Little Traverse Bay


Anonymous said...

XO my friend. It's been a fun go through the yers!


Anonymous said...

Well of course I meant years and it's from Deb!!