Monday, January 22, 2007

The body speaks out

Soooo..... the mileage - or something - seems to be catching up to me. The back of my right leg hurts (there's a clicky thing going on behind my knee, my ham and calf are tight), the front of my left leg hurts (lower quad and below the knee - sort of achy), my achilles - often tight and owie - are tight and owie, my feet are just plain tired. I went to see magic fingers Beggsy (massage therapist extraordinaire) today and she discovered that I'm way out of alignment; my right hip is 3/4 lower than my left. So she worked me over and I walked out of there moving a whole lot more smoothly than when I walked in there.

What brought all this on? Pretty much, I just blew it last week. Here I was logging the most miles of my life and I:
- didn't stretch
- only iced three times
- ran a whole lot of concrete
- post-holed my way through snowdrifts torquing my body every which way
- dropped in on a rec center core class and gave it my all after 3 months of no core work
and I haven't taken a day off since December 25th (the day my dad died).

The plan: stretch, back off the mileage this week, ice, choose my surfaces carefully, stretch carefully, watch my form while running, stretch, ice - and really pay attention to the cumulative effects of everything I'm doing.

...moving foward...with care...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You won't get far if you don't run smart, mom!
