Friday, January 05, 2007

More snow?!

I gotta tell ya' - this is one heckuva winter for distance training. I woke up today to 8 inches of new snow on the ground and by the time I finished running, we had a foot of fresh powder. Surprisingly, the running was pretty good. I stuck to bike paths and most of those had been plowed at some point during the wee hours so I was running on just a couple inches of snow which made for decent footing - enough snow to safely cover the slick spots but not too much snow to hinder forward motion. On the other hand, whenever I encountered an unplowed stretch, I was bounding through almost knee-high snow. But, I was in no particular hurry so it was a rather fun outing.

I'm now trying to plan a route for a long run (3-3.5 hours) tomorrow. If this winter's pattern holds true, only the major roads will have been plowed by tomorrow, slick surfaces will dominate, and more traffic will be venturing out. Bike paths will have been plowed then frozen over. It should be quite the adventure.

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