Thursday, January 11, 2007


So this week we had the indoor track 1/8 mile repeats, we had the treadmill runs, we had the back and forth 12 times on the Martin mile run - many of the venues chosen due to the snow, ice, and wind that we experienced through the week. Today we still had snow on the ground but no wind! So I decided to take advantage of the calm day and add a looonnng sloooow tour of east Boulder County towns to my repertoire. I left my house (in south Boulder), ran east to the town of Lafayette, ran down Lafayette's main street with the intention of picking up another road that would take me west back to Boulder but saw how much traffic was on it and went a bit further south to a trailhead that took me west into the town of Louisville, meandered through Louisville then picked up that road to bring me west back into Boulder and home - four hours and forty-nine minutes later. The roads were for the most part well-plowed with good shoulders. The trail was snow packed and drifted - but what a treat after so much road and treadmill running. All in all, a darned fine run.

I've now got 60 miles logged for the week - only 35 more to go and three days to do it in for my planned 95....and, guess what, it's snowing again!

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