Saturday, July 29, 2006


Day one of retired life is drawing to a close...a life apparently so busy that I missed a day of blogging! Retirement day was a whirlwind of packing up the final doodads from the office, noon run with my son, exit interview with the university, then party party party! 'Twas a fun party at CU complete with lawn games, squirt guns (quite a delight as the temps approached 100) and my spanky CU party shirt ;-) The university festivities were followed by a party back at the house with family and friends. All the partying (and the minimal sleep throughout the week) caught up with me today as I slogged through my 2.5 hour run. I had given myself permission for an easy running week this week, figuring life was going to be a tad hectic. I believe I'll be taking full advantage of that permit. Tomorrow's run is going to be a party run with the satboy gang (my regular group of Saturday long run runners) to celebrate my introduction to retired life. It'll be short on running and long on cameraderie. Can't wait!

1 comment:

J said...

You look good, Paula!

-- Julia/Boston