Tuesday, December 05, 2006


This morning I ran to the CU track to meet up with a running buddy. It just so happens that the route to the track is the same as my walking route to my old office.

My running buddy and I ran along the Boulder Creek Path (beautifully cleared of snow). It just so happens that right on the other side of the creek path where we were running sits my old office.

After dashing back home after the run I had a bunch of paperwork to take care of before heading out again so I chowed down on a breakfast of yogurt and cereal while doing the paperwork. It just so happens that my standard start-of-the-work-day routine used to consist of running then dashing off to the office where I would sit at my desk and work while eating my breakfast of yogurt mixed with cereal.

I headed out to my next rendezvous by walking to a bus stop about a mile from my house - but I was a bit behind schedule so ran the last half-mile or so to catch the bus. It just so happens that when I would catch the bus to work (rather than walk or cycle), I would catch this same bus and invariably have to run the last half-mile or so because I was always cutting it too close.

My next rendezvous was a delightful lunch with a couple of former co-workers, one now retired and one still working. It just so happens that the conversation turned to the workplace where the same old politics and conundrums are carrying on full steam.

But! For the rest of the afternoon, my new glorious life of the retiree came to the forefront...wandering around the downtown (pedestrian) mall, Christmas shopping, peeking in new stores, browsing at the library...completely free to explore for however long and wherever I liked. Ahhhhh......

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