Saturday, December 16, 2006

Running: play? job? sanctuary?

For most of my years as a runner, running was play: a chance to gallop in the sunshine, skip through the leaves, hop over rocks, race - or not - with running buddies. But, with my run to Michigan on the horizon, I've had to take running very seriously - fit in the miles, do the stretching, get enough to eat and sleep, run in the morning, run in the afternoon, and do it all over again...sort of more like a job, though I can't really bring myself to call it that cuz, well, it's running and I do love to run.

Back when running was strictly play, it also provided a sanctuary whenever I was going through a rough patch. It just so happens that I've hit another rough patch and when I headed out on my longest run of the week at 5 a.m. today, I was wondering if running, now my serious endeavor, would still provide sanctuary. I'm relieved to report that, yes, running - no matter how seriously I need to take it - still soothes the soul. My miles gave me time beneath the moon and stars, sounds of a nearby owl, a rooster, and the rhythmic tapping of my feet against the pavement, wind brushing my cheeks and crisp air filling my lungs, the mountains' gradual appearance on the western horizon as the sun slowly climbed behind me. A couple of hours alone with my thoughts heavy and light undulating with the ground I covered - then a rendezvous with my running buddies for another hour running, this hour with their banter and friendship. Yes, running is still my sanctuary.

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