Sunday, January 22, 2012

First Real Run!

It was a big day today in VaughanMiller land. Taz went for his first real run - and he was great! We walked to the end of the driveway, I asked him to sit, I said "OK" and off we went for 23 minutes total. Along the way he responded just the way he was supposed to to "Get over" (the command I used with both Loki and Jester to get them further to my left) and to "Leave it" (whenever he got to interested in something we were passing in the tar balls...the things that puppy loves to chew...).

I had given Paul a quick call to let him know we would be trotting by his house so he came out and performed Official Photographer duties, capturing the momentous occasion for all to see. I do believe there is a four-legged running buddy in my future!

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