Friday, February 09, 2007

Glorious run, volunteer fun

This morning's run was out by the Boulder Reservoir - and what a treat it was. The run from my house to the rez was fairly typical of the last several weeks: lots of concrete, dancing around ice, and even some fog though not as dense as yesterday's. But once I got to the rez (and met up with Joe), we had clear sailing. The roads were completely clear of snow, the dirt was hard-packed (no mud, no ice, no puddles), the traffic was light, the fog added both stillness and a tinge of frost to everything. We were in another world. This 'other world' was also home to a host of hawks watching from tree tops and gliding over fields. And for a special treat - a heron flew out of a ditch next to us then stayed just ahead for several minutes of viewing enjoyment. One of the best runs of 2007.

After the run, it was a quick trip home to stretch, ice, shower, and eat before I headed off to the National XC Championships packet pickup headquarters where I handed out t-shirts for a few hours. Very fun seeing so many runners from all over the country...young runners, mature runners, men, women, tall, short, skinny, stocky...all quite excited about tomorrow's race. The race will be held at a golf course in town (a flat course as a concession to the altitude, but with a couple of ditch/stream crossings just to keep things interesting). The course has been plowed and the water has been squeegeed/blown off it. So it's pretty much ice-free but the runners should be cruising and the mud should be flyin'!

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