Thursday, February 08, 2007

Run and run some more

This is supposed to be a 100 mile week. Monday and Tuesday went pretty well: 14 and 15 miles spread out over 3 runs on Monday and 2 runs on Tuesday. Yesterday (Wednesday) was another three-run day that went something like this:
  • I woke up knowing it would be an icey morning given the prior day's warm temps and the mounds of snow still lining all the roads and yards. So, I figured I'd have my short run in the morning and a longer run when the day got warmer. That meant Jester would get to come on the morning run. At least one of us was psyched. I made a poor choice of routes: home to the CU cross-country property. The road into the CU property was an ice skating rink. The trails within the property were chopped ice. The bike paths I took out of the property (to avoid the ice rink road) were rivers of ice...absolutely impassable. I ended up hiking through snow banks. All in all, very little running and a whole lot of grumpiness.
  • Post-run I met up with friend Debby to strategize on sponsorship possibilities, PR, logistics, etc. and ran into running buddy Joe. Debby always brings my psyche around to a good place and Joe suggested an afternoon run together. The mood was on the upswing.
  • The afternoon run with Joe was over our regular fartlek loop (without the fartlek). Shorts weather. Clear roads. Great stuff. All was well with the world again.
  • As part of the National Cross-Country meet activities, there was going to be a nutrition panel/talk in the early evening. The sun was still up, the talk was only a couple of miles away, I decided to run there.
  • Wednesday totals: 3 runs, 14.5 miles, full stretching routine, no ice bath
  • This morning I was to meet up with AndyE for an early run. And we had a new weather challenge: thick where AndyE and I were meeting that you couldn't see the length of a block. We cut our run a bit short though I still managed eight miles by taking a round-about way home.
  • To get my 100 for the week, I really needed to get in an afternoon run. My body was not too terribly thrilled with the idea so we had a rather intense discussion. "You're going to be running two-a-days all summer, you'd better get used to it." "Yeah, but I'm achey and would really rather just sit with my feet up." "What's 180 miles in a week going to feel like if you can't even muster 100 miles?" "What's another run today going to feel like if you're already tired, eh?" Well...I won that argument. uhhh...which side was I on/not on? Anyways. Went out for another 5.
The runs tomorrow and Saturday will be fit in around the US cross-country activities. I'm running about 2.5 hours tomorrow morning before volunteering at packet pickup and I'll pry jog home from packet pickup (I'll be in street clothes, but I suspect I'll really need to loosen my legs by then). And Saturday I'll run to the races, volunteer at the races, perhaps run during a break in the races and my volunteer activities, then I'll run from the races to the CU women's basketball game (if the races are done in time).

Sunday I'll run as many miles as I need to get my 100. So far, I've got 56.5.

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