Friday, February 16, 2007

Tired tired tired

I've still got almost 40 miles to go to get to 110 for the week. And I'm tired tired tired.

I ran 11 this morning (in much less wind than predicted), got home, stretched, ate, sat (briefly) in an ice bath, showered, stretched out on the couch to read the newspaper...and fell asleep. Read, nodded off, read, nodded off - then changed into running gear and ran errands around town. Got home, did a few chores, ate dinner, stretched out on a different couch to watch TV...and fell asleep. TV, nodded off, TV, nodded off - then got ready for bed, stopped by the computer to write this, then will actually go to bed. It's out-the-door at 6 a.m. tomorrow for a long run including a rendezvous with the satboys gang at the rez at 8.

Oh yeah, it's snowing again.

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